Mobilised with Happiness - We can Stretch




MoMo 慕, Art with Resilience for Sustainable Development Goals. SDGs MoMo 慕, IEMA approved Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner, Experienced ISO9000 Principal Auditor, AQIP Assessor, US, HKCAAVQ Subject Specialist. MoMo 慕 awarded Winner, Brand Transformative Leader Award at the Women Who Lead National Award 2021, supported by the Ministry of Women & Child Development Govt of India, Padma Shri Award Winners & implemented by Summentor, India and she was named Pioneer Professor of Sustainability in the AIM2Flourish, the Asia Ambassador, Sustainability Mindset working Group of the UN PRME and the UN Global Compact. 此NFT作品為MoMo慕發行,包含數碼圖片一張。 本著作採用創用CC「姓名標示 + 允許商業用途 + 禁止改作」。 詳細授權說明:本授權條款為僅允許使用者在下載此的著作之後,依原狀態分享出去。 使用者必須按照Popsible原創發行方正式的用戶名稱,表彰作者的姓名及Popsible相關網址,同時允許商業目的之使用,但不得對著作進行任何方式的改變。 This NFT work contains the image of the artwork issued by MoMo慕. This work adopts the Creative Commons license: "Attribution + Commercial Use + Prohibited Modification". Detailed License Notes: This license is intended to allow the holder of this NFT to share the work as its original form after downloading it. The holder must state the name of the creator and the corresponding website address of this NFT in accordance to the information officially stated at The holder shall not change it in any way but has unlimited right of commercial use.
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