automobile magazine hong kong #515/2210




First launched in 1979, Automobile Magazine has been bringing readers news and test drive reports for 43 years. As one of the most coveted car titles in Hong Kong, Automobile Magazine now embarks on a journey to the metaverse with this NFT cover, which comes with a selection of content from issue #515 specially curated for car fans. Purchase your limited copy of Automobile Magazine NFT cover and become a member of our Meta Automobile Club now! This NFT work contains a high-definition image of the magazine cover of October 2022, issue 515 of the Automobile Magazine Hong Kong and a Popsible Secret which is a buyer viewable only private content that contains select editorial of the magazine electronically. This work adopts the Creation CC "Name Marking + Non-Commercial Use + Prohibited Modification". Detailed License Notes: This license is intended to allow the holder of this NFT to share the work as its original form after downloading it. The holder must state the name of the creator and the corresponding website address of this NFT in accordance to the information officially stated at, but shall not change it in any way or use it for commercial proposes. 於1979年創刊的《車主》,四十三年來不斷為讀者帶來重要資訊及測試報告,是不少車迷的珍藏刊物。 《車主》率先駛進元宇宙,推出珍貴的封面NFT,內附第515期限定內容,與愛車之士共賞、同享屬於我們的汽車文化藝術。購買《車主》封面NFT,更可成為《車主元宇宙Meta Automobile Club》會員,與我們踏上未來無盡旅途! 《車主》2022年10月號 515期 雜誌封面高清圖像及Secret 內含該期電子版精裝內容。 本著作採用創用CC「姓名標示 + 非商業用途 + 禁止改作」。 詳細授權說明:本授權條款為僅允許使用者在下載此的著作之後,依原狀態分享出去。 使用者必須按照Popsible原創發行方正式的用戶名稱,表彰作者的姓名及Popsible相關網址,但不得對著作進行任何方式的改變,或為商業目的之使用。
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