《Trashed》Ghale Sneha


Creator衫辦闖 Sam Pan Factory


《Trashed》設計師 Ghale Sneha 設計理念: ‘Trashed’ is a collection designed to raise awareness about plastic waste since more than 300 million tons of plastics are produced yearly for use in a wide range of applications. Nearly over 20 millions tons of plastic waste make up 80% of ocean waste, which can endanger marine animals and affect food quality and the safety of living beings. We have seen many disturbing images of marine animals and wild animals being trapped, killed, and being suffocated by plastic on social media and the news but we just feel sorry for them and get on with our day. However, with this collection, I want to bring around awareness that it is having a massive impact on our environment and is putting marine animals in danger. I have used a specific color of plastic waste which is black and white. Plastic waste that is white generally refers to the color of plastic mainly used and represents the innocence of marine animals. The ones that are in black refer to the death of innocent marine animals being killed by plastic. The monochromatic colors also reference good and evil, or light and dark. The idea is to look at waste as a whole and make use of it in the textile and garments which is why I have used plastic waste and incorporated it into my garment. I will incorporate lace trim, long sleeves and necklines, and other designs to carry the feeling of being suffocated and trapped. The aim is to reduce plastic pollution and to promote the transformation of plastic waste into garments. FSR2023 介紹: 《Fashion Soul Resonance 意念共鳴》低碳環保.慈善時裝設計比賽,目標全力推動青年發展工作、環保時裝藝術及關愛社區行動。比賽經過報名及面試,在80名參賽者中選出10強與導師一起將設計實體化,並於8月5日的FSR2023活動中舉辦時裝表演及展覽,展出決賽作品、30張設計圖及環保設計理念,啟發更多人了解環保時裝。 條款及細則 .凡捐款支持均可換領一套設計作品照片集共4張 .關愛NFT售出費用扣除開支全數捐贈明愛專上學院 ・作品版權由活動主辦方擁有
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