荷塘月色 Pretty Moonlight over Lotus Pond


CreatorADAM Arts Creation Limited


創作者簡介 - 蘇達成 20年修復文物(古玩、舊畫、拍賣品)工作經驗 曾修復過如張大千、齊白石、徐悲鴻及文徽明等大師級的作品 用色豐富,造型充滿動感,畫作絕對能夠呈現香港的獨特美。 2019年: 蘇達成及其作品獲大華銀行邀請參與PARKROYAL on Beach Road Singapore舉辦的「Singapore Extra Ordinary Creations Inclusive Art Exhibition with UOBHK大華銀行及開幕禮 2018年: 「藝無疆:新晉展能藝術家大匯展」公開組銅獎 《濤浪日出》 2011年: 「第八屆香港展能節」創意繪畫(水彩)亞軍 長者藝術創作工作坊導師 Creator Introduction - So Tat Shing So Tat Shing is hearing impaired but also a remarkably talented artists with over 20 years experience restoring ancient paintings. Over his career he has restored many masterpieces, including those painted by Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong and Wen Zhengmin. He feels grateful that his profession allows him to work closely with masterpieces which allows him to learn from the masters and apply their techniques to his own works. Among his art accomplishments was winning second and third place at the 7th and 8th Hong Kong Abilympics” painting competitions respectively. Tat Shing now also teaches painting at elderly art workshops and public art jamming. 此NFT作品為藝全人創作有限公司發行,包含數碼圖片一張。 本著作採用創用CC「姓名標示 + 允許商業用途 + 禁止改作」。 詳細授權說明:本授權條款為僅允許使用者在下載此的著作之後,依原狀態分享出去。 使用者必須按照Popsible原創發行方正式的用戶名稱,表彰作者的姓名及Popsible相關網址,同時允許商業目的之使用,但不得對著作進行任何方式的改變。 This NFT work contains the image of the artwork issued by ADAM Arts Creation Limited. This work adopts the Creative Commons license: "Attribution + Commercial Use + Prohibited Modification". Detailed License Notes: This license is intended to allow the holder of this NFT to share the work as its original form after downloading it. The holder must state the name of the creator and the corresponding website address of this NFT in accordance to the information officially stated at Popsible.com. The holder shall not change it in any way but has unlimited right of commercial use.
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