秋山紅樹 Fallish Mountain and Autumn Reds


CreatorADAM Arts Creation Limited


創作者簡介 - 何秀娟 何秀娟年少時已對不同藝術媒介產生濃厚興趣,在香港理工大學修讀室內設計的同時,她更隨Sr. Ornorina Gallo學習義大利文、向司徒志明先生研習藝術創作及於巴羅克美術學院跟隨吳臻先生學習雕塑,其後于1998年修畢理工大學設計學碩士。 何秀娟曾任職多間大型公司的項目設計師,曾到內地、台灣、澳洲等地進行不同設計專案,從她的作品中也可看出傳統中國建築及工藝中的高雅風格。 何秀娟擁有多年的設計工作及教學經驗,自1988年開始為大專院校設計學系講師,于職業訓練局擔任設計系的講師,現時更參與鑽研香港專業教育學院之大學學位銜接課程的發展,並為駿志教育中心擔任顧問。 Creator Introduction - Teresa Ho Sau Kuen Teresa Ho Sau Kuen has always been fascinated by art at a young age. She studied Interior Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1975, while at the same time learning Italian from Sr. Ornorina Gallo, fine art from Mr. Marco Szeto and sculpturing from Mr. Herbert Wu at the Baroque Academia della Belle Arti. She also spent more than seven years learning Chinese painting from Mr. Feng Tze Dang at the St. Joseph Anglo-Chinese Secondary School. Her designs reflect the diversity of her art training, and the influence of traditional Chinese architecture and crafts is especially evident in her work. She worked as an interior designer on several large-scale design projects in China, Taiwan and Australia. She became a Vocational Training Council lecturer in 1988, and is responsible for setting the curriculum of top-up degree courses at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education. Teresa is also a consultant of the Smartwill Education Centre. 此NFT作品為藝全人創作有限公司發行,包含數碼圖片一張。 本著作採用創用CC「姓名標示 + 允許商業用途 + 禁止改作」。 詳細授權說明:本授權條款為僅允許使用者在下載此的著作之後,依原狀態分享出去。 使用者必須按照Popsible原創發行方正式的用戶名稱,表彰作者的姓名及Popsible相關網址,同時允許商業目的之使用,但不得對著作進行任何方式的改變。 This NFT work contains the image of the artwork issued by ADAM Arts Creation Limited. This work adopts the Creative Commons license: "Attribution + Commercial Use + Prohibited Modification". Detailed License Notes: This license is intended to allow the holder of this NFT to share the work as its original form after downloading it. The holder must state the name of the creator and the corresponding website address of this NFT in accordance to the information officially stated at Popsible.com. The holder shall not change it in any way but has unlimited right of commercial use.
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