NGP/ Nuovo Grafica (HK) Publications Limited is the respected publisher behind Automobile Magazine – the most established car magazine in Hong Kong, launched since 1979. The magazine’s mission is to bring Hong Kong car owners and enthusiasts professional insight, practical advice and above all, a passion for all things related to cars. Rooted in Hong Kong, Automobile Magazine is a highly recognised, popular and influential publication. NGP/ Nuovo Grafica (HK) Publications Limited是香港最歷史悠久汽車雜誌《車主》的出版社。《車主》創刊於1979,一直致力為車主及愛車之士提供專業評論、實用資訊,以及讀者關注的內容,是市場影響力、讀者人數及認受性同樣高企的香港人汽車讀物。
